Sell Your DVDs on Our Site

How it works:

The items must be on this list.  We only want items on this list of 163,000 DVDs

Click Here for List in Excel

Click Here for List in a TXT File

You must have at least 25 DVDs on the list.

We will price your DVDs at a fair market price.

You receive 75% of the sale price.

You will receive a link that shows all your DVDs in a list on our site so you can check to see what sells.

Each month we will send you a check for the sales.

After 1 Month we discount the items 25%

After 2 Months another 25%

After 3 Months another 25%.

Then we will email you and see what you want to do with the remainder.

We can discount them further or return them to you.

Ship the items to 

  • QDD (Sellers Program)
  • 510 E Barnard St 56 & 57
  • West Chester PA 19382

Please include a sheet of paper with


  • Your Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Name for the Check (Payable to)
  • Total Number of DVDs Sent

For larger collections we will give you an advance based on the collection.

We do all the work to sell your collection.